'Cyclops' Baby Shark With One Eye Absolutely Baffles Fishermen

'Cyclops' Baby Shark With One Eye Absolutely Baffles Fishermen

Fishermen in Indonesia were astounded when they reeled with only one eye in a white baby shark. They found a bizarre catch inside an adult shark that died after being caught in their nets.

The rare Albino shark was caught off the coast of the province of Maluku on October 10, according to Yahoo News Australia.

But when the fishermen cut off the creature's stomach to remove the intestine, they found the little cyclops dead inside.

The baby shark had only one eye in the middle of its head, and its tiny fins had already formed.

One of the fishermen, named Andy, said to the media, "We found three babies in his stomach, but one of them looked strange with only one eye. Its color was strange, like milk.

The crew handed over the shark to the local marina authorities for further examination.

Reports have indicated that the shark is likely to have Cyclopia, a birth deformity across species that can cause the embryo to form just one eye.

It also had albinism, which means that the shark produces low amounts of melanin that produces pigment.

It's not the first time a 'cyclops' shark has been caught. A U.S. fisherman sparked disbelief when he hauled a similarly strange fish in 2011. Enrique Lucero León caught a female albino shark with one eye off the coast of Mexico. Nine fully-developed siblings were found inside the adult female dusky shark.

And just weeks ago, an extraordinary albino shark was haunted by anglers in the United Kingdom. Shopfitter Jason Gillespie, was deep-sea fishing with some of his friends when he caught the albino top shark.

The shark, which measured about 3 ft, is leucistic, a relatively rare condition that means that it has lost all the pigment in its skin. Jason, from Hampshire, took a picture of the shark and released it.

He said to local media, "I generally think that if they lose their color, they're struggling to survive because they don't have the same camouflage and they can't hunt as effectively and get caught by predators."

Image source:- ViralPress