14 Incredible Animal Facts You Probably Didn’t Know Before

14 Incredible Animal Facts You Probably Didn’t Know Before

Animals are incredible things, we are all unique, and sometimes very unusual in our behavior. Here are couple of incredible animal facts you might not have heared of:-

1. However dumb as the platypus seems, you would definitely not want to be on one's dark side. One of the interesting things about animals that seem harmless, like the platypus, is their unusual mechanisms of defense. The heels of their rear legs have spurs capable of producing venom, making these wild animals one of the few venomous mammals types. It's terribly painful and can trigger swelling and sometimes even hyperventilation, and that's certainly enough to make platypus one of the most dangerous, helpless-looking creatures.

2. You obviously say of sloths as one of the slowest wildlife animal and, they 're extremely slow. But they do have an interesting skill you might not know about. They are excellent swimmers, and they swim two to four times quicker than they normally move.They also do breaststroke much like humans do.

3. "Whales" Such large marine mammals still can not breath deep in the ocean, they have to come up for air regularly to breath. And that begs the question: how are they going to sleep? Are they sleeping? Yeah, they do, but they just sleep half of their brains at a time. This form, described as uni-hemispheric slow-wave sleep, helps the whales to relax enough while keeping active enough even to actively breath and keep active for any potential risks.

4. A special style of greeting is often used by polar bears, similar to the Maori greeting of rubbing noses together. They also indicate that food be swapped in this manner; a bear approaches another bear who treats and touches nose to nose to request invitation to join in on the meal.

5. "kangaroo" Such large marsupials are born with the ability to jump long distances, which is their main form of getting anywhere. But a strange aspect they have is that they can't even walk backwards, owing mainly to the design of their strong rear feet and massive tails.

6. Firstly, one of the animal myths that you have all wrong is the belief that "peacock" is the right term for any of these birds. "Peacock" identifies only males; females are officially referred to as peahens, and all genders are known to as peafowl. Another curious thing about peacocks is that due to a genetic mutation they can be born with partly or fully white coloring.

7. Maybe their colorful looks and huge, almost plush-looking beaks give you the assumption that toucans are a fun-loving animal, then you would be right. According to National Geographic, a pair of toucans will throw fruit back and forth through their beaks as part of a mating ritual.

8. While there are more than Hundred distinct species of lemur, due to their small overall amount, lemurs are listed one of the most endangered mammal species. Two of the most popular categories of such animals living in Madagascar are the ring-tailed lemurs, their tails are larger than their bodies, and the blue-eyed black lemur, which is the only primate that can have blue eyes except humans.

9. "Pigeons" is also known as rock doves "rats with wings." And that gives special attention to this magnificent, intelligent animal. Not only can pigeons be taught to carry messages across vast distances, but researchers at Tokyo's Keio University revealed they can also be taught to differentiate between Monet, Picasso, Braque, Matisse, Cézanne, and Renoir's paintings.

10. Dolphins greet each other with the name, surprising as this animal reality can appear. Studies at St. Andrews university reported that dolphins would call out to other dolphins by mimicking the different sound of the dolphin they desire.

11. "Manatees" Such plump, close elephant relatives, also known as sea-cows, can weigh as much as 1,000 pounds. These are also vegetarian, and these get to eat 10 per cent of their body weight all day and have enough strength to swim through ocean shallows.

12. "Grizzly bears" You do n't recognize things: These bears have humpbacks too. In reality, the hump is a powerful muscle, BearSmart website reported, built to help grizzles dig through the earth in search of roots, plant bulbs, insects , rodents, and other grubs and also power them as they dig dens.

13. Have you ever left your dog alone for longer than normal, only to come home and believe she missed you more than normal? Dogs can know the differences between one hour and five hours according to animal planet. Like their daily routine walks and meals, they also have an intuitive understanding of when things should happen.

14. The vast majority of the animal horns are made from bone. The rhinoceros were n’t so. They are made of keratin, the same material that involves human hair and fingernails, as researchers at Ohio University discovered in 2006. calcium particles which are absent on the outer, softer surface of the horn are threading through the center of the keratin and rendering it super solid.